8.4.1 Introduction
$\quad$ $H_0$: No aircraft is present.
$\quad$ $H_1$: An aircraft is present.
You have a coin and you would like to check whether it is fair or not. More specifically, let $\theta$ be the probability of heads, $\theta=P(H)$. You have two hypotheses:
$\quad$ $H_0$ (the null hypothesis): The coin is fair, i.e. $\theta=\theta_0=\frac{1}{2}$.
$\quad$ $H_1$ (the alternative hypothesis): The coin is not fair, i.e., $\theta \neq \frac{1}{2}$.
- Solution
We need to design a test to either accept $H_0$ or $H_1$. To check whether the coin is fair or not, we perform the following experiment. We toss the coin $100$ times and record the number of heads. Let $X$ be the number of heads that we observe, so
X \sim Binomial(100,\theta).
Now, if $H_0$ is true, then $\theta=\theta_0=\frac{1}{2}$, so we expect the number of heads to be close to $50$. Thus, intuitively we can say that if we observe close to $50$ heads we should accept $H_0$, otherwise we should reject it. More specifically, we suggest the following criteria: If $|X-50|$ is less than or equal to some threshold, we accept $H_0$. On the other hand, if $|X-50|$ is larger than the threshold we reject $H_0$ and accept $H_1$. Let's call that threshold $t$.
$\quad$ If $|X-50|\leq t$, accept $H_0$.
But how do we choose the threshold $t$? To choose $t$ properly, we need to state some requirements for our test. An important factor here is probability of error. One way to make an error is when we reject $H_0$ while in fact it is true. We call this type I error. More specifically, this is the event that $|X-50|>t$ when $H_0$ is true. Thus, \begin{align}%\label{} P(\textrm{type I error})=P(|X-50|>t \; | \; H_0). \end{align} We read this as the probability that $|X-50|>t$ when $H_0$ is true. (Note that, here, $P(|X-50|>t \; | \; H_0)$ is not a conditional probability, since in classical statistics we do not treat $H_0$ and $H_1$ as random events. Another common notation is $P(|X-50|>t \textrm{ when } H_0 \textrm{ is true})$.) To be able to decide what $t$ needs to be, we can choose a desired value for $P\big(\textrm{type I error}\big)$. For example, we might want to have a test for which \begin{align}%\label{eq:hyp-al} P(\textrm{type I error}) \leq \alpha=0.05 \end{align} Here, $\alpha$ is called the level of significance. We can choose \begin{equation} P(|X-50|>t \; | \; H_0)=\alpha=0.05 \hspace{20pt} (8.2) \end{equation} to satisfy the desired level of significance. Since we know the distribution of $X$ under $H_0$, i.e., $X | H_0 \sim Binomial(100,\theta=\frac{1}{2})$, we should be able to choose $t$ such that Equation 8.2 holds. Note that by the central limit theorem (CLT), for large values of $n$, we can approximate a $Binomial(n,\theta)$ distribution by a normal distribution. More specifically, we can say that for large values of $n$, if $X \sim Binomial(n,\theta_0=\frac{1}{2})$, then \begin{align} Y=\frac{X-n\theta_0}{\sqrt{n\theta_0(1-\theta_0)}}=\frac{X-50}{5} \end{align} is (approximately) a standard normal random variable, $N(0,1)$. Thus, to be able to use the CLT, instead of looking at $X$ directly, we can look at $Y$. Note that \begin{align}%\label{} P(\textrm{type I error})=P(|X-50|>t | H_0) &=P\left(\left |\frac{X-50}{5}\right |> \frac{t}{5} \; \bigg{|} \; H_0\right)\\ &= P\left(|Y|>\frac{t}{5} \; \big{|} \; H_0\right). \end{align} For simplicity, let's put $c=\frac{t}{5}$, so we can summarize our test as follows:
$\quad$ If $|X-50|>t$, accept $H_1$.
$\quad$ If $|Y|\leq c$, accept $H_0$.
where $Y=\frac{X-50}{5}$. Now, we need to decide what $c$ should be. We need to have \begin{align}%\label{} \alpha &= P\left(|Y|> c\right)\\ &= 1- P\left(-c \leq Y \leq c\right)\\ &\approx 2-2\Phi\left(c\right) \quad \big(\textrm{using $\Phi(x)=1-\Phi(-x)$}\big). \end{align} Thus, we need to have \begin{align}%\label{} 2-2\Phi(c)=0.05 \end{align} So we obtain \begin{align}%\label{} c= \Phi^{-1}(0.975)=1.96 \end{align} Thus, we conclude the following test
$\quad$ If $|Y|>c$, accept $H_1$.
$\quad$ If $|Y|\leq 1.96$, accept $H_0$.
The set $A=[-1.96, 1.96]$ is called the acceptance region, because it includes the points that result in accepting $H_0$. The set $R=(-\infty,-1.96) \cup (1.96, \infty)$ is called the rejection region because it includes the points that correspond to rejecting $H_0$. Figure 8.9 summarizes these concepts.
$\quad$ If $|Y|>1.96$, accept $H_1$.Figure 8.9 - Acceptance rejection, rejection region, and type I error for Example 8.22
$\quad$ If $|X-50|\leq 9.8$, accept $H_0$.
Or equivalently,
$\quad$ If $|X-50|>9.8$, accept $H_1$.
$\quad$ If the observed number of heads is in $\{41,42, \cdots, 59 \}$, accept $H_0$.
In summary, if the observed number of heads is more than $9$ counts away from $50$, we reject $H_0$.
$\quad$ If the observed number of heads is in $\{0,1, \cdots, 40\} \cup \{60,61, \cdots, 100\}$, reject $H_0$ (accept $H_1$).
We need to design a test to either accept $H_0$ or $H_1$. To check whether the coin is fair or not, we perform the following experiment. We toss the coin $100$ times and record the number of heads. Let $X$ be the number of heads that we observe, so
X \sim Binomial(100,\theta).
Now, if $H_0$ is true, then $\theta=\theta_0=\frac{1}{2}$, so we expect the number of heads to be close to $50$. Thus, intuitively we can say that if we observe close to $50$ heads we should accept $H_0$, otherwise we should reject it. More specifically, we suggest the following criteria: If $|X-50|$ is less than or equal to some threshold, we accept $H_0$. On the other hand, if $|X-50|$ is larger than the threshold we reject $H_0$ and accept $H_1$. Let's call that threshold $t$.
Before ending our discussion on this example, we would like to mention another point. Suppose that we toss the coin $100$ times and observe $55$ heads. Based on the above discussion we should accept $H_0$. However, it is often recommended to say "we failed to reject $H_0$" instead of saying "we are accepting $H_0$." The reason is that we have not really proved that $H_0$ is true. In fact, all we know is that the result of our experiment was not statistically contradictory to $H_0$. Nevertheless, we will not worry about this terminology in this book.