6.1.4 Characteristic Functions

There are random variables for which the moment generating function does not exist on any real interval with positive length. For example, consider the random variable $X$ that has a Cauchy distribution \begin{align}%\label{} f_X(x)=\frac{\frac{1}{\pi}}{1+x^2}, \hspace{10pt} \textrm{for all }x \in \mathbb{R}. \end{align} You can show that for any nonzero real number $s$ \begin{align}%\label{} \nonumber M_{X}(s)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{sx}\frac{\frac{1}{\pi}}{1+x^2} dx=\infty. \end{align} Therefore, the moment generating function does not exist for this random variable on any real interval with positive length. If a random variable does not have a well-defined MGF, we can use the characteristic function defined as \begin{align}%\label{} \phi_{X}(\omega)&=E[e^{j \omega X}], \end{align} where $j=\sqrt{-1}$ and $\omega$ is a real number. It is worth noting that $e^{j \omega X}$ is a complex-valued random variable. We have not discussed complex-valued random variables. Nevertheless, you can imagine that a complex random variable can be written as $X=Y+jZ$, where $Y$ and $Z$ are ordinary real-valued random variables. Thus, working with a complex random variable is like working with two real-valued random variables. The advantage of the characteristic function is that it is defined for all real-valued random variables. Specifically, if $X$ is a real-valued random variable, we can write \begin{align}%\label{} |e^{j \omega X}|=1. \end{align} Therefore, we conclude \begin{align}%\label{} |\phi_{X}(\omega)|&=|E[e^{j \omega X}]| \\ &\leq E[|e^{j \omega X}|]\\ &\leq 1. \end{align} The characteristic function has similar properties to the MGF. For example, if $X$ and $Y$ are independent \begin{align}%\label{} \phi_{X+Y}(\omega)&=E[e^{j \omega (X+Y)}]\\ &=E[e^{j \omega X} e^{j \omega Y}]\\ &=E[e^{j \omega X}]E[e^{j \omega Y}] \hspace{10pt} \textrm{(since $X$ and $Y$ are independent)}\\ &=\phi_{X}(\omega) \phi_{Y}(\omega). \end{align} More generally, if $X_1$, $X_2$, ..., $X_n$ are $n$ independent random variables, then \begin{align} \nonumber \phi_{X_1+X_2+\cdots +X_n}(\omega)=\phi_{X_1}(\omega) \phi_{X_2}(\omega) \cdots \phi_{X_n}(\omega). \end{align}
If $X \sim Exponential (\lambda)$, show that \begin{align}%\label{} \phi_{X}(\omega)&=\frac{\lambda}{\lambda-j\omega}. \end{align}
  • Solution
    • Recall that the PDF of $X$ is \begin{align}%\label{} \nonumber f_X(x)=\lambda e^{-\lambda x} u(x), \end{align} where $u(x)$ is the unit step function. We conclude \begin{align}%\label{} \nonumber \phi_{X}(\omega)&=E[e^{j \omega X}] \\ \nonumber &=\int_{0}^{\infty}\lambda e^{-\lambda x} e^{j \omega x}dx\\ &=\left[\frac{\lambda}{j \omega-\lambda} e^{(j \omega-\lambda) x}\right]_{0}^{\infty}\\ \nonumber &=\frac{\lambda}{\lambda-j \omega}. \end{align} Note that since $\lambda>0$, the value of $e^{(j \omega-\lambda) x}$, when evaluated at $x=+\infty$, is zero.

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